10 Great Items You Never Pack But Should!

While packing for vacation can be stressful for many, it is one of my favorite parts of vacation! I know, I know...strange but true. In fact, you may find me packing for vacation a month ahead of time. I just love the organizing, the planning and details that go into packing.
I have found some 10 really helpful items to pack that you may have not considered:
Pre-addressed address labels for luggage tags, postcards etc.
Corkscrew, if you plan to purchase wine
Spare Duffle Bag: for your souvenirs
Pop Up Hamper: for dirty laundry
Extension Cord/Power Strip: you may need additional plugs to charge your camera etc.
Snorkeling Gear: if you plan to snorkel
Over the Door shoe holder this is a great way to store toiletries etc
Ziploc bags, for wet swimsuits etc.
Soft-sided, collapsible cooler to store snacks (great for beach or cruise vacations)
What item(s) can you not leave home without?
Contact Heidi at heidi@whiteglovedestinations.com or visit her online to learn more packing tips/tricks or to book your next vacation!